Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Q&A with Legacy Ventures’ David Marvin, 2019 Most Admired CEO


Atlanta Business Chronicle named David Marvin, Founder & President of Legacy Ventures, one of 2019’s Most Admired CEOs.

Q: What can other CEOs do to win such great admiration from their stakeholders?

A: Inspire. People want to be on winning teams participating in noble undertakings.

Q: What are the keys to CEOs building a high level of trust in their organizations?

A: It begins with integrity and transparency. Beyond this, sincere interest in the success and well-being of your team members is self-evident and goes a long way.

Q: What does leadership and being a leader mean to you?

A: Being responsible. Anticipating, innovating, communicating, directing and managing to the best of my God-given abilities.

Q: Who is a favorite leader you admire, and why?

A: Challenges are leadership’s testing ground. I admire Franklin D. Roosevelt for his leadership of our country out of the Great Recession and through his pivotal role preserving Western Democracy with WWII. He had to first find the resilience to deal with his physical handicap.

Q: Please explain how you and your organization make tough decisions.

A: Decisions are made through our 8-person executive committee that represents all facets of Legacy’s enterprise. Our culture of excellence, integrity and caring is our compass as memorialized in our “Legacy Blueprint” handbook (found on our website). I believe in Rotary International’s “4-way test”: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Read the full Q&A at the link below.